
Last Whole Day

Today marks not only my final full day in Landau for the year (I say for the year because I am very certain that I will one day very soon come back to Germany and pop by Landau for a visit), but also the day I have more spam-mail in my inbox than ever before. I have no idea how that came about.

I think I would be more sad and depressed about everything were my Grandmother not habitually pessimistic about almost everything. Usually I'd say it's borderline endearing, but not on my final run here. On the up-side, at least I'm not an emotional wreck. So maybe I have her to thank for a bit of balance in the brain area.

Also, the remnants of 10 months worth of living is a tight squeeze when it comes to packing. I have sent 4-5 boxes, each between 10 and 20 kilograms, home over the past months. There is another box waiting, along with my IKEA chair, waiting to be sent out today. My hiking backpack and other large suitcase-duffel bag thing are literally stuffed full, and there is little room left in another large bag my dad brought with him. I will be pushing the limit this time around.

There have also been a lot of last-minute-doing-of-things-I-need-to-do-one-more-time-before-I-leave moments, and they've all gone relatively well.

The thing with the blog now, is that once I get home, I can still keep it current by comparing the transition back into American society to what was left behind. Over the past year I've thought of and anticipated many reactions, but now I'm not sure how it will be. The best thing now is to just not expect anything and go with the flow.

My first few days will be spent at my grandparent's house, which is in the US, but in the countryish outskirts of a city, so I won't be rushed with people and society. I think it's a smart move.

So, tomorrow are the flights home, and the re-introduction to the States. Expect the next post no sooner than Wednesday!

From Germany, peace out.
