
Tough Times

I'm not dead. I'm just very stressed out this week, so I haven't been willing to write or think about much else other than my projects. One presentation was taken care of today, and the second one is tomorrow. The trouble with being a native English speaker is that there is this terrible feeling that I'll be judged more harshly than the other students in the class. Sure, all they do is copy-paste information from the text books, seemingly regardless if they really do or don't understand it. But God forbid I don't get what I'm talking about... I feel like there is so much more pressure on me. Usually I would be handling this with the normal amount of stress, but because this is, literally, the MOST WORK I'VE HAD TO DO ALL SEMESTER, I have forgotten what it's like to work hard. I actually miss Coe's class structure, where each class meets (normally) 2-3 times a week, and where there is at least one written assignment per class; at least we're constantly working. Here, I've been attending lectures and living for 5 months, had some light reading for a few of my literature classes, and hung around Germany. Now I have to kick into gear, and I'm really feeling the effects. Andrea even said I looked tired. After this is over, I'll be free from presentations, and can concentrate on making note cards for Italian.

So people planning on studying abroad, beware: there is so much NOT doing work here that when it actually comes your turn to do something, you become the type of person who could easily hate everyone.

I had a big lunch today at the Mensa (University cafeteria) and was so full afterwards I was actually sleepy. But by the end of the class hour and the presentation, I walked out and was completely hungry again. Crazy how adrenaline seems to jump start metabolism.

In a week or so I'll have prepared a post that will go over how to buy yourself a ticket at a train station. Tschüss.


A new year begins!

Happy New Year to everyone.

Break is officially over. We were lucky and our teacher never showed up for class, so we spent the two hours conversing intelligently at Cafe am Markt. Our friend was there, and gave us extra gingerbread cookies.

All I can really say after the two-week break is this: I am so very, VERY happy to be back in one place. Minus the whole I had to say 'bye' to my dad until march and this was the first Christmas without my mother (and away from home, no less) or grandparents, I am very glad to be back. I missed Landau, I missed my bed, my tiny apartment, Cafe am Markt, everything. It's so good to be back.

One of the women from the class we never had today commented on how fast I was speaking German today. She said that normally I speak very slowly, and that I was now speaking without hesitation. My only response was that I had spent the past two weeks speaking Latvian. I think that helped.

Both of my parents (as well as John, I guess) will be glad to know that I have now re-stocked my refrigerator with tomatoes, a cucumber, cheese, salami, juice, and fizzy water. I will no longer have to live off of chocolates and mandarines.

I look forward very much to tomorrow. That's because TUESDAYS ARE OPEN MARKET DAYS!!!! Eeee!
*claps hands and spins on chair*
I need garlic and eggs. Don't ask.